Thursday, April 28, 2005

Monday 4/25/05

Scott left early for Florida.
Had to leave 'cause of Utell. Exhausted.
Went up to Starfucks at 86th and Lex. Finished Rx
*coffee and one of those lite yogurts there
Wandered around BN
Dr. Malen- horrible crying woman
*1/2 sandwich and soup
wanted to go to MET but it was closed (der)
wandered down 5th looking for Jewish mseum because thought I lost mom and dad's card
Sat on foutnain outside of Plaza, watched guy jumping around on bike. didn't sketch anything.
Took bus home.
Had a nice bath, with cigarette, magazine, candles,
*glass of wine and two chocolate macarooms
*little bit of brisket. threw rest out. Half of a lite ice cream sandwich. Charosis. Uh, other bits of this and that.
Watched Election.

Tues 4/26/05

Slept badly, Took bus to Dr. (doctor, ultrasound, didn't need shot)
walked home
breakfast: yogurt, coffee
(made leeks a la French women)
Lunch: half pita, one cup frozen fried rice
Got the fuck out of the apartment. Called Joel, see what he would do.
Followed suggesiton: nomadic museum. KICKED ASS> Beautiful day.
Walked along Hudson River park, stopped to sit and sketch tulips. Took pictures until battery ran out.
Walked to Acme, Sabrina and Andy were there.
dinner: caesar salad, lynchburg lemonaide (at acme w/Sabrina)
walked with Andy to his L, then walked home.
Watched Solaris with George Clooney. Wicked trippy. watched Harvey Birdman and Ineyusha.
lots to drink to get to sleep

Wed 4/27/05

Breakfast - Yogurt (leek juice), coffee
Lunch - leeks (leek juice)
and a little more leeks
2:00 - got off my ass and went to MET. Ate some leeks on steps.
Sketched some stuff in Greek Macdeonian Philip II section. Sketched a scary oracle figure in African arts.
Went trippy, starving, in Max Ernst exhibit. Dude was mother fucking brilliant.
Walked through Central park
let me say here that these most beautkiful days of spring, lookng for apple trees
found some. pink, but not so scented.
thunderstorm broke out just as Barry called - just to gossip.
Took bus home, sorta. Got out and walked. Checked Kims on St. Marks for trippy 70s scifi movies. Didn't have any good ones.
Dinner - leeks. caeasr salad. tops of 3 small cubes of focaccia, inch cube of hard cheese, snowpeas and waternchestnuts (a few), tiny eggroll, 1.5 glass of wine. Scott came home.

(MET - Max Ernst)