Thursday, April 28, 2005

Tues 4/26/05

Slept badly, Took bus to Dr. (doctor, ultrasound, didn't need shot)
walked home
breakfast: yogurt, coffee
(made leeks a la French women)
Lunch: half pita, one cup frozen fried rice
Got the fuck out of the apartment. Called Joel, see what he would do.
Followed suggesiton: nomadic museum. KICKED ASS> Beautiful day.
Walked along Hudson River park, stopped to sit and sketch tulips. Took pictures until battery ran out.
Walked to Acme, Sabrina and Andy were there.
dinner: caesar salad, lynchburg lemonaide (at acme w/Sabrina)
walked with Andy to his L, then walked home.
Watched Solaris with George Clooney. Wicked trippy. watched Harvey Birdman and Ineyusha.
lots to drink to get to sleep


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